Wednesday, 28 October 2009



If old people, we were taught that we should "accept" an insult, invective and insults other people as diamond fashion to decorate the house and yard of our house, it seems that teaching is now "tired" eating days. He could no longer stand up straight because his hands and feet had been destroyed ransacked era, and now he was "ashamed" to show his face had become so bad in front of people.

Yes, times have changed and indeed she has changed everything. We'll be a stranger in front of beautiful traditions and sacred heritage, it was too difficult to find. To meet him was we had to pass through various obstacles and insults ...

The people who came to the ancestral tradition like that of course would be a miser, I mean miser who still could be discussed because in it there is probably a good thing. I mean miser who is stingy WORDS OF PRAISE, which in Sanskrit if it is a term Karna Priya.

Karna means ear and Priya is a pleasant one. Karna Priya means the words pleasant ear. In this case, they are including the word Praise Stingy not be able to give compliments to please people in just depannya.Ia will feel hard done that as a miser matter, then he will feel some reluctance to give penny on other people. Despite these poor people are in need of money, people still will not be miserly willing to give. Stingy people will feel Praise The difficulty praising others.
He will save the words like he saved the treasure.
A few words of praise will be issued as a reduction in his treasures. He will suffer for it. If he was forced to praise others, he will feel like a ripped chest and removing the heart and throw here and there, felt his heart was no longer useful are stored within himself.

Conversely, for those who Cheap Word Praise, will take advantage of all the "science of praise" her to get whatever he wants. He will not be able to see (or do not want to see) the loss caused by the praises were mentioned. He will only see profits and only profits from the practice of science praise.

As good-great people, perhaps in politics, in various sciences, nor in the supernatural would be so easy to his knees in front of compliments. Especially these days is the age that priority compliments. You will not get anything without taking a child anah "praise". Conversely, as poor-poor people, he will be able to buy anything on Praising Night Market. Stupid-stupid people, it would be great so get out of Praise Night Market.

Whatever Sebeku hearts, he will be fine once out of Praise Night Market. They are keen to deepen knowledge of praise, will be able to burst as deep and as difficult as any problems confronting to move forward It's dangerous world filled with science pemraktek such praise.

In an effort to maintain or develop the Divine Love within us, there are things that maybe we can learn from the science of this praise praise. It is recommended that we not be stingy word of praise, because he will hurt himself. Therefore, association is demanding the existence of Praise (an).

If everyone went to visit the Night Market Compliments, why do we sit quietly at home? If a lot of things expensive and scarce, but by entering our praise Night Markets can get it so easy, why do not we do it?

For people who have been spiritually formed, the gel will benefit from this Praise Night Market. He will be praised by honest presence of others. He will honestly praise the great properties owned by others and not making it up.

If someone falsely praising others for material benefits, what's wrong if a spiritualist praised by honest wisdom and good qualities of others? Causes and meaning? Yahhh, an honest compliment often able to eliminate bad habits that always SEE OTHERS ugliness. If you consider the benefits of entry Praise Night Market, a student of meditation may be advisable to obtain these benefits, ie to avoid seeing ugliness and mistakes of others.

Bottom line? ... Out Eemm praise indeed remove the inner strength ... ..


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